**Areas of Provident Living**

  • Spiritual Strength
  • Home Storage
  • Health
  • Employment
  • Finances
  • Education

"Usually the Lord gives us the overall objectives to be accomplished and some guidelines to follow, but he expects us to work out most of the details and methods." -Pres. Ezra Taft Benson

Doomsday Prepper Song

18 May 2010


So much is entailed with Provident Living and trying to become more self-reliant. So many areas we are to be working on and so little time! How can we SIMPLIFY and yet move forward?

In deciding how to best handle all the many facets of preparedness, I decided to try setting up a Lindsay 1st Ward Provident Living site where you can visit, hopefully often and regularly, and get updated on what is happening in our Ward with Provident Living. I am hoping this gives people another opportunity to continue or even start actively pursuing their own personal goals concerning preparedness while at the same time providing a place where all the Ward preparedness items can be easily accessed. This is an attempt to simplify! One stop shopping so to speak . . .

I am hoping to include recipes (like the one you'll see below), group order updates and opportunities as well as upcoming classes. I've tried to provide links to other helpful sites, the cannery order form is up and ready for you to use, links to the monthly Provident Living newsletter are here in case you missed any, the results from the surveys you filled out back in February are also listed here at the bottom, which you might find interesting. In addition, I have put some links to the handouts from previous classes on the right under the Provident Living area headers. The recipes from May's class - Healthy Meals in Minutes are already posted too! WHEW . . .

 I'm a "newbie" at blogging, please be patient! Also, if there are any suggestions on what you'd like to see posted, topics you'd like to discuss, gadgets that would be helpful, or more information you'd like to see posted - simply say the word (and maybe tell me how to do it!). This is the Ward's blog for preparedness . . .

 I love the tag posted on the right and I thought it perfectly sums up my own personal outlook concerning preparedness: "Keep calm and carry on!" So, welcome! I hope you find this endeavor useful, helpful and you'll leave comments and follow regularly!

Why not sign up today and follow along?


  1. I sent one comment, and it disappeared. I will try again! You Rock! I started a preparedness blog last year, but never finished it. I will send them to your site. HA HA. Great job,

  2. I LOVE this, Lisa! I will use it often. I am usually the one bumbling around wondering what it is that I don't remember! This will really help me stay on top of things...and I love the music. In case anyone else loves it too, just minimize the blog and the music will stay on while you whip up something delicious out of your garden or pantry!! Whoopeee! Thanks, Lisa.


Upcoming Classes:

Our Ward Preparedness Theme for 2012 is . . .

Stake/Ward Group Order Information

Next group orders:

Japanese Warning Stones and an Apostle Speaks

In one of my recent stake meetings, as we discussed a preparedness plan for all the wards, one of our High Councilmen told the group of us about this article. It discusses how along the coastlines in Japan there are ancient "warning stones" that give instruction and counsel about what to do in the case of an earthquake and pending tsunami. It is amazing the similarities that we can draw between our modern day prophets, seers and revelators and the purpose of these stones. Read it and think about how this article relates to self-reliance, obedience and preparedness. The article provides an awesome family home evening lesson as well - try giving your kids a stone with an applicable scripture written on it as a reminder of the lessons to be learned from the article. http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/08/limits-to-disaster-memory-even-etched-in-stone/ I would also encourage you to read this talk, The Celestial Nature of Self-Reliance by Marion G. Romney that was recommended to me today. Spiritual food for thought . . . you will be well fed. http://lds.org/ensign/1984/06/the-celestial-nature-of-self-reliance?lang=eng&query=self+reliance+spiritual

Home Canning Corner

I have compiled a quick list (including pictures) of what I consider essential canning equipment to have in your home if you are serious about canning your own produce, fruit and meat. Home canning brings a sense of satisfaction and provides nutritious homemade meals from your pantry. Home canned food is the perfect addition to your 30-day menu and 90-day supply the First Presidency has counseled us to have. This list should make it easier as you start this rewarding endeavor. Good luck and happy canning!

Food Storage Made Easy website

Food Storage Made Easy