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"Usually the Lord gives us the overall objectives to be accomplished and some guidelines to follow, but he expects us to work out most of the details and methods." -Pres. Ezra Taft Benson

Doomsday Prepper Song

09 July 2011

"There is more salvation and security in wheat than in all the political schemes of the world." - Ezra Taft Benson (Journal of Discourses 2: 207)

A wheat famine threatens continents across the globe
"Almost everyone has heard of the potato famine that decimated Ireland in the 1840s. It happened because the Irish practiced monoculture, planting just one species of potato that was well adapted to Irish soil. When potato blight hit, wiping out the country's staple crop, there was no plan B. Millions starved to death.
Did we learn our lesson from that great tragedy? No. Big Ag's foolish practice of monoculture puts us at more risk than ever before. These days, it's wheat that's at grave risk. Wheat's biggest vulnerability is something called "stem rust." It's actually a fungus. The fungus that has begun to infect wheat crops around the world is officially known as Ug99. Ninety percent of the world's wheat is vulnerable to Ug99--and this scourge has been spreading swiftly over the past few years, jumping from Africa to the Middle East. Just a few more seasons and it's expected to hit Asia--from India to China to Russia. Millions of people depend on wheat in these nations for their daily sustenance.
If so much as a single spore of this deadly disease finds its way to U.S. shores--and in these days of global air travel, that's almost a dead certainty--the U.S. stands to lose at least a billion dollars worth of wheat. National Geographic recently reported that, according to Rick Ward of the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat project at Cornell University, "A significant humanitarian crisis is inevitable."

Excerpt from Solutions From Science article, 9 July 2011. Take from it what you will but remember we have been given much counsel about the importance of wheat in our long-term storage as well as the need to not panic nor go to extremes as we prepare for the future . . .

"Remember the counsel that is given,” “...Store up all your grain,' and take care of it!” “...And I tell you it is almost as necessary to have bread to sustain the body as it is to have food for the spirit; for the one is as necessary as the other to enable us to carry on the work of God upon the earth." Elder Orson Hyde (Journal of Discourses, vol. 5, p. 17)

"As we have been continuously counseled for more than 60 years, let us have some food set aside that would sustain us for a time in case of need. But let us not panic nor go to extremes. Let us be prudent in every respect. And, above all, my brothers and sisters, let us move forward with faith in the Living God and His Beloved Son" Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign November 2001

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Japanese Warning Stones and an Apostle Speaks

In one of my recent stake meetings, as we discussed a preparedness plan for all the wards, one of our High Councilmen told the group of us about this article. It discusses how along the coastlines in Japan there are ancient "warning stones" that give instruction and counsel about what to do in the case of an earthquake and pending tsunami. It is amazing the similarities that we can draw between our modern day prophets, seers and revelators and the purpose of these stones. Read it and think about how this article relates to self-reliance, obedience and preparedness. The article provides an awesome family home evening lesson as well - try giving your kids a stone with an applicable scripture written on it as a reminder of the lessons to be learned from the article. http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/08/limits-to-disaster-memory-even-etched-in-stone/ I would also encourage you to read this talk, The Celestial Nature of Self-Reliance by Marion G. Romney that was recommended to me today. Spiritual food for thought . . . you will be well fed. http://lds.org/ensign/1984/06/the-celestial-nature-of-self-reliance?lang=eng&query=self+reliance+spiritual

Home Canning Corner

I have compiled a quick list (including pictures) of what I consider essential canning equipment to have in your home if you are serious about canning your own produce, fruit and meat. Home canning brings a sense of satisfaction and provides nutritious homemade meals from your pantry. Home canned food is the perfect addition to your 30-day menu and 90-day supply the First Presidency has counseled us to have. This list should make it easier as you start this rewarding endeavor. Good luck and happy canning!

Food Storage Made Easy website

Food Storage Made Easy