**Areas of Provident Living**

  • Spiritual Strength
  • Home Storage
  • Health
  • Employment
  • Finances
  • Education

"Usually the Lord gives us the overall objectives to be accomplished and some guidelines to follow, but he expects us to work out most of the details and methods." -Pres. Ezra Taft Benson

Doomsday Prepper Song

04 June 2010

Summer Agenda and Contest

I have to admit I am relieved May is over. If you were feeling like me there wasn't a spare minute with all of the end-of-the-year activities, recitals, tests, parties, assemblies, etc. But now summer is upon us and we can all try and catch our breath . . . Well, at least a bit!

I am not scheduling any Provident Living classes for June or July but that doesn't mean I am taking a vacation. What it does mean is that I will be preparing for the 72-hour kit challenge that will roll out in August. It is going to be a 3 month challenge to the Ward to get your kits "grab-and-go ready." From August through October I will be scheduling classes that will help get your kit organized and ready, another group order will be available on water purifiers in conjunction with other wards in the Stake and I will have weekly displays of different 72-hour kit necessities. It will all culminate in October when we have a Ward family activity where you'll bring your kit, display it for others, and we have a Ward party. I'm trying to come up with prizes for participation . . . It will be a worthwhile activity - a win/win for you and your family. You'll get your kits prepared and get to party.

So, keep your eyes open this summer for gadgets, backpacks, and supplies to get your family's kits ready for the challenge. Anyone have any ideas, comments or thoughts about what you'd like to see happen with this challenge? Here's the contest . . . Whoever submits to me the best idea or suggestion (by July 26th) about our ward 72-hour kit challenge will win the contest and receive something cool for your own kit!

Also, in July I'd like to organize an Exchange Table. Right before school, when all of us are going through the kids' closets and getting frustrated that all those perfectly good clothes are already too small and we are wondering what we should do with them, we'll have a Lindsay 1st Ward exchange table. Bring what you want that is in good shape and then pick what you'll need and use. It's the idea "eat it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without." Smart words to live by right now I think. Hope you think so too and will participate in this activity. Don't have a date set yet but I'll let you know.

I'd like to challenge everyone this summer to re-evaluate your long term storage too. Cannery orders in the Stake are very, very low. I personally think scary low! Please check your long term bulk items and make sure you have enough and that it is not expired. I am hopeful we can increase our Ward cannery orders and get to the cannery while it is quiet and easily accessible. While the kids are home this summer it seems the 1 PM canning time is a more convenient time to get down there . . . Think about it and inventory what you have, then let me know if you want to sign up and go. I have a bad feeling my own sugar isn't usable . . . We'll be getting our family down there after I convince the kids and Mikey family home evening is food storage inventory! :) Not a fun task by any means but absolutely necessary nonetheless.

Lastly, thanks for all the many positive comments and feedback about the blog. I truly appreciate it and I hope you are all finding it helpful and motivating to have all the Provident Living information so easily obtainable.

Providently Yours,


  1. Lisa-- this blog is great! I love it. We inventoried our pantry last month and had to throw away lots of cannery things that had long expired. ARGH...so, I will need to get on top of restocking it back up. Thanks for your motivation to stay prepared.

    You are marvelous!

  2. Lisa,
    Here's my idea about 72-hour kits... I'd like to assemble a small binder/folder that contains all of our family info and paperwork that would be "grab and go ready" in case of an emergency... doctors names/phone numbers, copies of birth certificates and driver's licences, emergency plan documents for each member, phone numbers, etc...


Upcoming Classes:

Our Ward Preparedness Theme for 2012 is . . .

Stake/Ward Group Order Information

Next group orders:

Japanese Warning Stones and an Apostle Speaks

In one of my recent stake meetings, as we discussed a preparedness plan for all the wards, one of our High Councilmen told the group of us about this article. It discusses how along the coastlines in Japan there are ancient "warning stones" that give instruction and counsel about what to do in the case of an earthquake and pending tsunami. It is amazing the similarities that we can draw between our modern day prophets, seers and revelators and the purpose of these stones. Read it and think about how this article relates to self-reliance, obedience and preparedness. The article provides an awesome family home evening lesson as well - try giving your kids a stone with an applicable scripture written on it as a reminder of the lessons to be learned from the article. http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/08/limits-to-disaster-memory-even-etched-in-stone/ I would also encourage you to read this talk, The Celestial Nature of Self-Reliance by Marion G. Romney that was recommended to me today. Spiritual food for thought . . . you will be well fed. http://lds.org/ensign/1984/06/the-celestial-nature-of-self-reliance?lang=eng&query=self+reliance+spiritual

Home Canning Corner

I have compiled a quick list (including pictures) of what I consider essential canning equipment to have in your home if you are serious about canning your own produce, fruit and meat. Home canning brings a sense of satisfaction and provides nutritious homemade meals from your pantry. Home canned food is the perfect addition to your 30-day menu and 90-day supply the First Presidency has counseled us to have. This list should make it easier as you start this rewarding endeavor. Good luck and happy canning!

Food Storage Made Easy website

Food Storage Made Easy